Green Buildings

Green Buildings

Lighting Simulation

The lighting conditions under which will operate the building users represent a key-aspect for the interior environmental quality. The sustainability protocols currently in-use try to increase  the use natural illumination because, apart from the eventual energy savings, the artificial light has a much lower frequency compared with the sun light and therefore it turn out being non-optimum for the human eye perception.

In order to guarantee optimum lighting conditions, even during the early design stage it is important to develop a simulation of the natural and artificial lighting conditions which could help us identifying possible weak points where light lacks or exceeds. On the other side, lighting simulation allows us to evaluate the efficiency of shading devices and their effects on lighting conditions.

GBF offers a complete service for the development of lighting simulations during the different design phases and for the lighting levels monitoring in existing buildings through the implementation of specific software such as “Ray-Tracing” and “Radiance”. The simulation process is completely integrated with the other design services (architectural, structural, energy modelling, utilities, etc.) in order to adjust the owner’s requests to the building features in real time.