Cambio climático

Cambio climático

Protection and Control of Contaminants

This service-package focuses on the reduction of potential contaminant agents and processes through the following steps:

  • Detailed analysis of the site conditions and surrounding environments;
  • Calculation and simulation of the potential hazards associated with the existing and future conditions of the site;
  • Selection of prevention systems and processes toward potential hazards and contaminants on the medium-long period;
  • Development of a long-term strategy to reduce the hazard of pollution and avoid the contamination of soil, air and water bodies.

These approaches will be associated with the development of several practical activities, such as:

  • NOX fixation and reduction processes within the existing agricultural and natural assets;
  • Avoid the use of potentially dangerous elements, such as, pesticides and weedkillers.
  • Reduction of water runoffs and protection strategies for existing water bodies;
  • Air pollutant control strategies through active devices (sensors, fans, air filters, etc.) and passive elements (natural ventilation, dust sheets, etc.)
  • Outdoor lighting simulations and reduction strategies for lighting pollution.